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Cold {Delaware Portrait Photographer}

This month’s blog circle theme is cold.  They were forecasting some major snow here for yesterday and today and I was hoping to get some pictures of the snow, but all we ended up with was rain.  So I’m having to post some pictures of the kids in the snow from January. Still cute though. 🙂

The two bigger ones spend most of their time eating the snow.  One day, I actually grabbed two big bowls and ran outside in the morning, when the snow was still fresh, and filled them with snow.  I set them at the kitchen table with spoons and the kids were so excited!  Molly declared me the most awesome mom ever and CJ asked if he had to pray first.

Click HERE to see my friend, Ry-Ann’s interpretation of cold.


blog circle | cold « Lunaria Photography - […] out Erin Farrell Photography’s Blog to see how Erin interpreted the same […]

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